Coronavirus: Beware of people who impersonate safe distancing enforcement officers, warns MEWR



SINGAPORE – Members of the public should stay vigilant and be wary of those who impersonate enforcement officers ensuring compliance with elevated safe distancing measures, the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources (MEWR) said on Wednesday (April 15).

From Thursday, such enforcement officers and safe distancing ambassadors can also be identified through red passes that they will carry with them, MEWR added.

Enforcement officers may also wear a red armband. This is on top of existing identifiers including their agencies’ corporate attire, staff pass and/or lanyard, or the SG Clean Ambassador pass.

“These new identifiers will help the public to better identify enforcement officers and ambassadors,” said MEWR, adding that members of the public should always request the officer’s identification to verify his or her identity before complying with the instructions of the officer.


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