Coronavirus: $200 left with family of 6 to get through 3 weeks



A few packs of instant noodles, some cooking oil, a half-full bag of rice, and a bottle scraped nearly clean of chilli sauce – that was all on the kitchen shelves for a family of six living in a two-room rental flat.

That was a little over a week ago, on April 10. With only $200 left for his wife and four children over the next three weeks, Sam (not his real name), 37, has to stretch every dollar to make ends meet.

What little and unstable daily allowance he had from helping his mother as a school canteen vendor was gone when the Ministry of Education (MOE) closed all schools and instituted home-based learning for the circuit breaker period.

His next cash payout from the ComCare assistance scheme, typically $1,200 in cash for three months, is due on May 4, a day before the circuit breaker measures are lifted.

The Solidarity Payment of $600, which he and his wife received, has been of help for desperately needed supplies and groceries.


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