Contradictheory: When it comes to Covid-19, the heart often overrules the head



Every year, I look forward to attending the EmTech conference in Singapore.

It showcases cutting-edge technologies and ideas from around the world.

More importantly, you get to hear the people involved speak with so much passion about what they do.

I still remember in 2018 when Shana Diez, director of build reliability at SpaceX, spoke so eloquently about what it meant to her to send a human being to Mars that I almost jumped up, raised my hand and shouted, “Send me!”

Of course, my head overruled my heart and I’m still Earthbound but I still look forward every year to getting carried away by these (sometimes not so) fantastical flights of fancy.

So you can imagine how disappointed I was when the organisers announced that this year’s event has been delayed by six months.

Colour me blue.

Though, given the context, perhaps I should use a warmer hue. Specifically orange.

Last week, Singapore raised its disease outbreak response system condition (Dorscon) level to “Orange”, which is like Dorscon Yellow except with additional control measures.


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