Coffee break? Grab a cuppa at Singapore's first robot barista outlet



 She is a barista with a very strong arm.

And “Ella”, Singapore’s first fully automated robot barista, will be serving customers their caffeine fixes at CityHub mall in Lavender from Saturday (Oct 3).

Crown Coffee, the food and beverage arm of Crown Group, said the outlet was launched in an effort to push automation and reduce physical interaction in the light of the coronavirus pandemic.

Ella, named after Crown Group founder and chief executive Keith Tan’s wife, served a range of hot drinks to Minister of State for Trade and Industry Low Yen Ling and members of the media at a launch event on Friday.

In a speech at the event, Ms Low, who is also Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth, emphasised the importance of digitalisation and automation in navigating the pandemic, and zoomed in on Ella as a solution that creates opportunity from chaos.

“While Covid-19 has severely impacted our businesses and economy, it has also created the impetus for us to build stronger business capabilities and seek out new growth opportunities,” she said.


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