COE, road tax and other costs will continue to apply to private cars, says Khaw Boon Wan



SINGAPORE – Private car owners will have to continue paying for Certificates of Entitlement (COEs) and their road tax plus vehicle licensing fees during the circuit breaker period, said Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan on Tuesday (May 5),

The reason is they can still drive on the road for essential work or personal activities like buying groceries, he pointed out.

He said in a written parliamentary reply to Nominated MP Walter Theseira that his ministry has received requests to extend the validity period of COE, road tax and other relevant motor vehicle licences.

Associate Professor Theseira had raised the issue too when he asked whether such relief could be given to mitigate motor vehicle depreciation costs in view of the impact of Covid-19 measures on motor vehicle usage.

But, Mr Khaw noted, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) has already made adjustments to land transport services and charges.

He pointed to the LTA extending the inspection deadline for private car owners who were originally scheduled to have their cars inspected during the circuit breaker period.


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