Circles.Life first to announce iPhone 12 price plans in Singapore for as little as $54 a month



It’s that time of the year again when people start losing their minds over the latest version of iPhones. Though a couple of things have changed drastically since last year’s iteration (finally, OLED displays), one thing that stays firm is the painful price points of over $1,100 each. 

Traditionally, Apple fans here would typically wait for the price plans from the big three telcos — Starhub, Singtel and M1 — to get their hands on the latest and greatest iPhones at a monthly fee. Interestingly enough, none of them were the first to announce their mobile plan bundles for the iPhone 12 because that glory goes to Circles.Life. 

The mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) has announced that it would be selling the iPhone 12 series at “the best price available in the market”, where shoppers have the option to buy the phone upfront or pay for their device via an instalment plan. 


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