CIMB Bank: Earn 1.10% p.a. with the latest SGD fixed deposit promo till 31 May 2020


Grow your savings with CIMB!

For a limited time only, enjoy these attractive rates on CIMB Bank’s SGD Fixed Deposit when you make your placements online*!

With CIMB’s Fast Fixed Deposit, you are now just Clicks away from making your placements instantaneously, and at your own time! Simply log on to your CIMB Clicks Internet Banking to make a placement or amend your maturity instructions. If you’re new to the bank, the application process will allow you to make a placement seamlessly within 10 minutes.

Rates as of 4 May 2020

ComparisonInterest Rates (% p.a.)
Branch Rates0.800.800.80
Exclusive Online Rates^

^Above rates apply to a minimum of S$10,000 per placement

*Terms and conditions apply for CIMB Fast Fixed Deposit Promotion. Click here for full terms and conditions. Promotion is valid from 01 May 2020 to 31 May 2020. Rates are subject to change without prior notice.

Rates are subject to change without prior notice.

For more info and latest updates, click here or here (for upfront interest)