Choosing between the DPM or WP in GE2020: It's 'a bit unfair' for East Coast GRC residents, says Nicole Seah



It won’t be an over-exaggeration to call it the most surprising move that took place on Nomination Day when Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat showed up at the nomination centre for East Coast GRC.
This was especially so as he had been serving the residents of Tampines GRC for his last two terms as MP. 

Workers’ Party (WP) say that this is an “unfair” dilemma for the East Coast GRC constituents as they now have to choose between DPM Heng, who is widely tipped to be the next Prime Minister, or the WP members. 

ALSO READ: GE2020: East Coast GRC is the one to watch with DPM Heng set to face off against WP’s Nicole Seah

Speaking to the media, WP’s Nicole Seah, who is contesting for East Coast GRC said: “It is a bit unfair that the voters of East Coast GRC have been put in this personal dilemma where they have to make these decisions… and it’s going to be a very difficult one.” 


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