Catholics prays for single legal system, end to corruption


Last night Catholic churches in the country’s six dioceses joined palms to pray for a better Malaysia.

Catholics prays for single legal system, end to corruption

Last night Catholic churches in the country’s six dioceses joined palms to pray for a better Malaysia.



  1. Please give Hudud and Syaria Law to Muslims. They will become enlightened and the upcoming generation will have strong human values. Our country will be in excellent shape. I thought this is all God’s doing.. so please do not pray and already approve those laws.

  2. We need common spiritual and moral values developments in malaysia so as to respect and live harmoniously among races and religions.but never enforced religions and control unto others

  3. U bunch only afraid of hudud, coz ur liqour, masat, pimp, gambling, night clubs going to shut down. No more muslims market. No need to use the church to cover for u. We already knew.

  4. I am personally not worried about Hudud as Hudud is for Muslims only in Malaysia now. But what worries many minorities is that what happens if an issue happens between a muslim and a non muslim? Will civil law prevail or it will be handled otherwise? Another genuine worry the minorities have is whether it is going to be the stepping stone for full fledged hudud like that happened in Pakistan and Sudan; or that is already in place in SA. A democratic Govt should address these fears of the community. It should be noted that with the crisis in Syria and middleeast in general the refugees never fled to Countries practising Hudud despite the majority refugees being Muslims. That also creates an added fear. On the other hand the minorities should get rid of the minority syndrome and learn and adjust with the majority. That is assimilation and co existence all about.

  5. Amend our Federal Constitution that Hudud n Islamic laws shall be used on Muslim citizens only. Non Muslim to follow the secular laws of the Country. To be fair to our Muslim friends they must have the rights to choose Islamic syariah law or secular law upon them, there is no need to force any citizen/ human being against their believe as religion should be their own choice as its between God n him not the dirty corrupted politicians or self claimed God’s servant!

  6. fathers yr prayed will answer as if malaysia stop corrupting but even the single legal system we also bound with corruption !! as for mo1 najib umno are more corrupted after 60 years they rule n never on their mind to stop corruption father there is still hope if we change the govt

  7. Hudud and syariah already existed long time ago so dont say give hudud and syariah laws to muslims.we are currently not under hudud law and the country is half ruin under the prevailing law.

  8. Do not interfere with the muslim laws…in fact the muslims in Malaysia are considerate enough not to include the non muslim into their sharia and hudud laws. You guys should be thankful for that and don’t put on fire to muslims regarding their beliefs. Please respect each other belief.

  9. The so-called Hudud laws will have more to do with politics than the Quran.

    If you haven’t forgotten, what have the ulamas told the public so far? Anyone who opposed Najib Razak, who’s appointed by Allah, is against Allah.

    Not I say. Refer back to your Utusan newspaper.

  10. Whose side is God on? If either of the party fails to have their prayers answered will they (the party having lost) concede that god favours the winning party and proceed to religious conversion?

  11. Legal Implications of Conversion to Islam
    Pastoral letter issued by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia on the Legal Implications of Conversion to Islam

    Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord,

    If you convert to Islam, there are important changes in your legal status and what you can or cannot do. Your conversion to Islam will be registered with the Religious Department and the National Registration Dept, both of which are computerised so access to this information is available throughout the country.

    Under Syariah enactments of most of the 13 States of Malaysia:

    Conversion back to your former religion is either (a) not allowed under the law, or (b) a criminal offense which means that you may be fined, whipped, detained or imprisoned under most State Islamic laws.
    *If you are under 18 years of age, you require your parent’s permission to convert to Islam.*
    Your identity card will record your conversion to Islam. Therefore, even if you are no longer practising Islam, you may be fined, whipped, detained or imprisoned for violation of Syariah laws such as praying in Church, eating in public during fasting month “khalwat” etc.
    You cannot marry a non-Muslim. If you decide to divorce and attempt to convert out of Islam, you will lose custody of your children because they are Muslims.
    Upon death, your non-Muslim relatives will lose their rights to any property, moeny etc. that you want to leave to them. The corpse of a convert to Islam will be taken away from his or her non-Muslim family for Islamic rites and burial even if you have not been practising Muslim for many years.
    In the event that your spouse converts to Islam, you may have no right to either your children or your spouses’ property.
    We know that certain Christians who convert to Islam for whatever reasons, are not aware of or do not consider seriously the implications of such a conversion. Hence the need to inform you.

    By this, we are neither against Islam nor freedom of religion, which is guaranteed for all Malaysians under Article 11 of our Constitution which gives the right to an individual to choose freely his or her religion. But to choose correctly, you need to know clearly what you choose and the consequences of your choice.

    Archbishop Datuk Murphy Pakiam
    Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia

  12. We practiced 4 legal systems now. Used from the British colonial.
    1. For muslim only
    2. For non muslim only
    3. For all citizen and others foreign who stay, traveller etc
    4. For native in Sabah and Sarawak.

    What is the problem? Yes there is issue of convert and funeral. Always settle amicably. I dont see single legal is the valid to imposed to Malaysian.

  13. We need whatever it takes to make Malaysia progressive. Human imposed religious enforcements won’t make its citizens more religious or morally obligated. Modern education is more likely to work

  14. We celebrate diversity among malaysian, including religious. So plis respect muslim to run our law, as we respect others religiuos to practice theirs. it is just for muslim not for other. So i wonder why dap?mca?mic?pan? Wanna stop muslim right???

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