They earned big bucks - up to more than A$50,000 (S$51,250) - each month.And they did it by allegedly using the now-defunct socio-political website The Real Singapore (TRS) to exploit racist and xenophobic fault lines through their articles, some...
Two siblings wrote to the court for their father to be returned to them.Miss Rosfizah Rosdi and Mr Mohd Fairos Rosdi addressed the letter to Justice Foo Chee Hock.Their father, Rosdi Joenet, had killed his wife in November 2012,...
Image: Category: NewsSingaporePublication Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2016 - 17:00Keywords: fitnesspole vaulterExternal URL: Trim and fit, thanks to pole vaultingSend to mobile app: Byline: Ng Wan Ching
Do we need the Cross Island Line? Can we do without it?The Cross Island Line (CRL) will be an important part of our MRT network. It will provide a faster commute between the east and the west, from Changi...
Mr Tan Shu Jie still takes the same route to work via a bus and the MRT, but now reaches his office in about half the time that he used to take.For the past three months, Mr Tan, 26,...
The small farms dotting the north-western landscape that have offered eco-tourism activities for years have been recognised as a tourist attraction called the Kranji Farms.Two brown directional signs, endorsed and approved by the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) and the...
In Australia, cigarettes come in drab brown packages. Their sides are plastered with pictures warning of the dire consequences of smoking, and one can barely make out the brand.And in Brazil, all flavoured tobacco - from cherry to chocolate...
对国家音像档案感兴趣的公众,今后可能无须亲自到国家档案馆翻查资料,在家中直接阅览就可以了。国家档案馆昨天推出Berita Singapura档案集,让公众在网上自由浏览。这个新闻短片系列上世纪60年代由当时的文化部推出,收藏新加坡独立前后的珍贵影像,包括1966年本地举办的大赛车活动、首批公共住屋落成等。放上网的70多个完整系列影片,除了以四种官方语言解说,也有一部分以广东话和福建话呈献。这是国家档案馆将档案数码化后,放在网上让公众浏览的第一批档案资料。通讯及新闻部长雅国博士昨天出席第六届"联合技术研讨会"(Joint Technical Symposium)时说,将档案资料数码化并让公众上网浏览是政府在保留和推广历史档案资料方面的三大方向之一。一站式网站方便查找资料雅国指出,公众过去如果要查阅像Berita Singapura的档案资料,必须亲自到档案馆,不过当局将这些资料挂上网后,公众可在家中浏览,方便得多。雅国也以国家图书馆和国家档案馆设立的统一搜索门户OneSearch为例说,这个一站式网站让用户更便捷地查找资料。使用者经常查找的关键词也以本地名人和地标为主,因此雅国认为,该网站扮演了让国人了解本地历史和文化的重要角色。此外,政府将加快搜集档案资料的步伐。在语音资料方面,口述历史录音的累计时长已超过两万小时,但雅国指出,未来几年必须加紧采录建国一代的生活细节和对我国重大历史事件的回忆。像Berita Singapura等影像资料,由于格式老旧,当局正如火如荼地将它们数码化,接下来几年内急需数码化的资料超过两万份。国家档案馆高级助理馆长彭莱娣博士解释,早期的音像档案为模拟式(analogue)媒体,这类格式随着科技进步逐渐遭淘汰。她说:"科技日新月异,档案馆在这方面也要跟着潮流和时代走……档案馆必须在短时间内抢救这些音像档案,把它们数码化,以更好地长期保存这些档案。"雅国鼓励更多新加坡人加入"公民档案管理员"计划,丰富档案集。这个项目去年推出至今,已有超过280人为1600多张照片做注解,所做笔录的历史文件页数也超过9000页。联合技术研讨会是为音像档案保护和修复工作者举办的国际活动,这是该活动第一次在欧洲以外地区举办。研讨会昨天起一连三天,让200多名各国档案管理者交流心得。有意浏览Berita Singapura档案资料的公众,可上网,并输入相关搜索词条。Get the full story from Lianhe ZaobaoImage: Category: NewsSingaporePublication Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2016 - 04:00Keywords: Yaacob IbrahimSend to mobile app:
A 77-year-old man was arrested on Sunday, following more than three hours of police questioning, after allegedly molesting a young woman on a bus.The incident happened at about noon on bus 198 at a bus stop near Block 502,...
The National University of Singapore (NUS) Law School is doubling the number of students eligible for first class honours degree from the present top 5 per cent of each cohort to the top 10 per cent, a move hailed...