27.9 C
Singapore, SG
Monday, May 20, 2024
The Police have arrested a 25-year-old woman for her suspected involvement in a series of e-commerce scam involving the sale of Nintendo Switch gaming consoles. In September 2020, the Police received several reports from...
Singapore: In order to earn cash, a man dialed the number left on the toilet door and became one of the people involved in a loan scam that defrauded DBS Bank to pay S$1.89 million.
新加坡:一名醉酒男子在 Northpoint City 登上出租车,一边吃汉堡,一边告诉出租车司机他想去哪里。 出租车司机听不见,又问了一遍,那人激动起来,骂了司机,把汉堡扔给他,还打了他的脸。 34 岁的塞勒姆·穆罕默德·伊斯干达 (Salem Mohammad Iskandar) 于周四(10 月 28 日)因这起事件以及三年前在一家酒吧发生的无关事件而被判处九周监禁。 他对三项故意伤害、欺骗和行为不检的指控表示认罪。量刑时还考虑了另外三项指控。 法庭获悉,塞勒姆于今年 3 月 14 日凌晨 3 点 30 分左右在义顺大道 2...
新加坡:新加坡食品局 (SFA) 和移民与关卡局 (ICA) 周三(11 月 17 日)表示,一家公司因从马来西亚非法进口食品而被罚款 8,000 新元。 3 月 23 日,在 Woodlands Command 的一次联合行动中,ICA 官员扣留了一辆运载食品的卡车,该卡车委托给 Sunny Wholesale。 当局发现,Sunnyland Wholesale 的持牌人 Ng Kai Hong 非法进口了约 1,756 公斤未申报和申报不足的新鲜水果和蔬菜。
Singapore: The Singapore Food Authority (SFA) and the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) stated on Wednesday (October 27) that a company was fined S$20,000 for illegally importing various foods from Indonesia. Hardinizam Khairuddin Muhammad,...
新加坡:一名 20 岁女子因涉嫌欺骗和伪造流浪猫的医疗账单以募集捐款而被捕。 警方表示,他们在周二(11 月 16 日)收到一份报告,称一名妇女在社交媒体上进行众筹。 广告 “后来发现据称没有这样的猫正在接受治疗,”警方在周三的媒体发布会上说。 “据称,这名女子还伪造了一张收据,让她看起来像是为这只流浪猫支付了医疗费用。” 初步调查显示,约有60人为响应该女子的众筹活动而捐款。 警方表示,一名 20 岁的男子也在协助调查。 被定罪的作弊者最高可被判入狱 10...
新加坡:周一(11 月 15 日),移民和关卡局 (ICA) 表示,在一辆试图通过大士关卡将违禁品走私到新加坡的卡车中,共发现 1,048 箱未完税香烟。 当局在 Facebook 帖子中说,这辆在马来西亚注册的卡车正在运送各种货物,包括家具板,当时 ICA 官员于 11 月 12 日指示它进行进一步检查。 “当他们在家具板上发现未完税的香烟时,他们的怀疑得到了证实,”ICA 说。 它补充说,此案已提交新加坡海关进行进一步调查。 “恐怖分子也可能使用类似的隐藏方法将安全物品走私到新加坡,”ICA 说。
SINGAPORE: Two men will be charged on Monday (March 21) for providing their Singpass login details and handing over their bank accounts to "unknown persons in exchange for convenient money", police said on Friday.
Singapore: A teenager was accused of illegally fishing in Bukit Batok Town Park (also known as Little Guilin), once with five other people and a second time with seven others. On Wednesday (October 27),...
A 45-year-old man will be charged in court on 24 September 2020 with voluntarily causing grievous hurt against another man. On 22 September 2020 at about 3.44pm, the Police were alerted to a fight...