Cat-saving cop who made women swoon now impresses men for doing 105 push-ups in a minute for IPPT



It’s been a hot minute since Staff Sergeant (SSG) Benjamin Cheah popped up in headlines, so here’s a refresher: he got the ladies online thirsting over him back in 2015 after he and a fellow police officer rescued a cat that was stuck on a six-storey-tall pine tree. 

When a photo of the cat and its rescuers was posted on the Singapore Police Force Facebook page, the comments section erupted with hundreds of comments about the dashing looks of the police officers. Last we checked, that post holds over 10,000 likes on Facebook. 

This time around though, it was not the female population that went into a frenzy over a Facebook post featuring SSG Cheah. Quite the opposite actually — it was the men that felt weak in their arms and knees after finding out that the police officer is fit as heck. 


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