Case launches interactive petrol price comparison website



SINGAPORE – The Consumers Association of Singapore (Case) launched an online petrol pump price comparison website on Monday (Jan 13).

While there are already other such guides in the market, Fuel Kaki at is the first to be interactive, allowing users to compare actual spending across brands.

It provides information in a more legible format and is more user-friendly than other similar portals. It also promises to offer more timely updates.

Its strongest proposition is that it can calculate the effective price a consumer pays based on ongoing promotions and methods of payment, such as with credit cards or fuel cards.

Mr Melvin Yong, chairman of Case’s consumer empowerment task force, said on Monday that while pump prices were generally transparent, the effective prices motorists eventually pay could differ widely because of various card-based or loyalty-linked promotions. 

He said this initiative – which followed another launched in September called Price Kaki, comparing grocery and food prices – is “all about information availability”.


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