Can you believe it took 26 hours to finish Justin Bieber's torso tattoo?


With just a simple selfie post on Instagram, Justin Bieber revealed his biggest tattoo yet-on his whole damn torso. And yes, we’re all going wild for it.

The massive new tattoo starts right under his pecs and down to his lower abdomen. You’ll see an eagle, birds with skeletons, and what HighSnobiety described as “feather-like cloud shapes to fill the gaps.”

New York-based tattoo artist Keith “Bang Bang” McCurdy is the man in-charge of Justin’s new ink. Just like Justin, he also posted the process and his gratitude on Instagram. It took him 26 hours in total over a span of three consecutive days to work on the tattoo-OUCH! And to make things slightly more comfortable, they worked on it from Justin’s home.

Can you imagine getting a tattoo that takes 26 hours with very minimal breaks in between? Bang Bang even said that this is the most he has ever tattooed in the 13 years that he’s been an artist. I guess we can all agree with him when he told Justin, “You’re tough as nails man!”

This is definitely a far cry from all our dainty tattoo pegs or even Billie Lourd’s tribute tattoo for her mom Carrie Fisher.

Moments in battle

Moments in battle

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Tuesday, October 24, 2017 – 12:26


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