Cabinet reshuffle after Parliament prorogues to give younger ministers more exposure: PM Lee


SINGAPORE: A Cabinet reshuffle, which is set to take place after Parliament takes a mid-term break, will give younger ministers more exposure and responsibility, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Tuesday (Feb 27).

“This way, my successor will be supported by a stronger and more experienced team, committed to leading Singapore to a better and brighter future,” Mr Lee said in a Facebook post.

Parliament will prorogue after the Budget debate, which started on Tuesday, and after the Committee of Supply debates on each ministry’s expenditure, which are expected to end on Mar 9.

In January, Mr Lee said that the Cabinet reshuffle will be “a significant step in exposing and building the new team of leaders”, although he does not plan to appoint new deputy prime ministers.

Mr Lee also said in his Facebook post on Tuesday that he has asked the fourth-generation ministers to draft the Government’s agenda for the President’s Address when the new parliamentary session opens in May.

“It will give Singaporeans a better sense of them and their thoughts,” he said.

Mr Lee said earlier that the Government’s agenda will “bear the imprint” of the fourth-generation leaders, who are taking on greater responsibilities and putting forth their ideas for Singapore.

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