Bullies can face up to 6 months’ suspension from school


During suspension, offenders would undergo rehabilitation such as at the Henry Gurney School for a few weeks.

Bullies can face up to 6 months’ suspension from school

During suspension, offenders would undergo rehabilitation such as at the Henry Gurney School for a few weeks.



  1. This is all bullcrap. Why suspend when they will only do such out the school compound. Punish them. Teach them a lesson. Make sure they dont repeat that action. Letting them free for 6 months is the schools way of avoiding a problem instead of taking proper action. Tbh i am not surprised. The school system is getting from bad to worse. When you reach out to them they get angry that we are giving them more work. When you reach out to the police the school gets angry. I really dont understand where we are to find help from.

  2. not agreed.. maybe should just put the bully in spot light. 6 months is too long for a student to miss class.. how he goin to catch up wit academic he/she missed … just my opinion

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