Bruce Springsteen lashes out at Trump in new song



Bruce Springsteen hasn’t been shy about his feelings on current president Donald Trump before but, thanks to an old friend, he’s finally sharing some thoughts via song.

Long-time Springsteen collaborator Joe Grushecky penned “That’s What Makes Us Great,” an anti-Trump anthem, and looped The Boss in for some vocal contributions.

Grushecky told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, “I had this song, and Bruce and I had been talking. I sent it to him and he liked it. I said, ‘What do you think about singing on it?’ He gave it the Bruce treatment.”

You can buy it over at Gruschecky’s site.

Read also: Springsteen gives ‘elegiac’ secret show for Obama: Report

The pair don’t go easy on Trump, which makes perfect sense considering Springsteen referred to Trump as “a moron” last fall and called the Trump campaign “a tragedy for our democracy.”

And while touring Australia in the days after Trump’s inauguration, Springsteen called Trump’s travel ban “anti-democratic and fundamentally un-American” and mocked Trump’s infamous call with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. He had also openly campaigned for Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign.

In the new tune, Springsteen rails against Trump as a con man and takes on “alternative facts,” belting out, “Don’t tell me a lie/And sell it as a fact/I’ve been down that road before/And I ain’t going back.”

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In an interview earlier this year with Marc Maron on Maron’s popular WTF podcast, Springsteen talked at length about his fears of a Trump presidency but noted he wasn’t currently writing songs about Trump because, “it takes a while to digest all those things.”

Still, if a close friend has the words already written down, Bruce is happy to sing along. It only keeps us primed for when he does put pen to paper and turn out his own thoughts into song.

Read the full article here.

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Friday, April 21, 2017 – 11:44
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