Update: His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck of Bhutan came to the Grand Palace to pay personal respect to His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej in front of his royal urn Sunday morning.
The Bhutanese monarch arrived at the Grand Palace at 09.50am and left at 10:18 am.
While leaving the Grand Palace, the King of Bhutan waved his hands to greet the black-clad mourners who were queuing in front of the Grand Palace’s Viset Chaisri Gate to enter Sala Sahathai Samakhom Pavilion inside the compound to sign a book of condolence.
The crowds shouted “Love Live the King” to the Bhutan King when his motorcade was passing by.
Bhutan’s royal couple arrived in Bangkok
Their majesties the King and Queen of Bhutan arrived in Bangkok yesterday to pay personal respects to His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
Bhutanese King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Queen Jetsun Pema were welcomed at the Suvarnabhumi Airport by Deputy Prime Minister Dr Somkid Jatusripitak.
The Bhutanese royal couple led prayers for Thailand’s late King at the Thimphu National Memorial Chorten in Bhutan on Friday. Bhutan’s national flags are flying at half-mast for three days as a mark of respect.
The royal families of Thailand and Bhutan share strong bonds.
Upon hearing of HM King Bhumibol’s death on Thursday, King Khesar led the royal family, clergy, government officials and members of the Thai community in Bhutan in a candlelight prayer vigil at the royal palace in Thimphu, Deutsche Presse-Agentur reported.
The Bhutanese king on Friday also declared a public holiday, in conjunction with Thailand’s observance. Vigils with butter lamps will continue to be held at temples across Bhutan, local media reported.
“His Majesty the late King Bhumibol has been an exceptional leader, a comforting presence in the lives of every Thai citizen,” King Khesar wrote on Facebook.
“His Majesty’s enduring service for the welfare and well-being of his people will be remembered with honour and respect,” he added.
The Bhutanese king was among several royal family members from across the world to attend the celebration of the late King’s 60th anniversary of his accession to the Thai throne in 2006.
Thais in Singapore and Thailand mourn passing of King Bhumibol
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