Ben Affleck cracked a rape joke during a 'Justice League' interview


It’s been said that people who get away with bad behaviour once have the propensity to do it again. There’s no better example for that than misogynists and sex offenders. That’s how Harvey Weinstein got away with decades of abuse. That’s how rape culture morphed into something deeply ingrained in our society, it’s so hard to call it out.

That’s how Ben Affleck, a mere weeks after the Weinstein scandal broke out and as more stories of sexual harassment in Hollywood are coming to light, dared to make another rape joke on camera.

In an interview for the upcoming movie Justice League, the cast was asked which female superhero they’d want to include in the team if given the chance. Ezra Miller and Ray Fisher, who play The Flash and Cyborg respectively, gave decent answers.

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As Ray was trying to explain what they’d do with the new character, Ben cut him off. “I think it would just create a different dynamic, you know? But-“

“Are you following the news at all?” cut in Ben. Which no one acknowledged, except with disgusted looks.

Ray continued to answer the question and the interview carried on. But no one is set on forgetting that moment.

So much for speaking up against Harvey, Ben. It shows that you, sir, are the one who isn’t following the news at all.

It must be said how Ben Affleck once groped Hilarie Burton during an interview with TRL. The incident, much like this one, was also caught on camera. Here’s an idea: Why not just not put a camera to Ben’s face at all? The man can’t have air time if he can’t renounce his misogynistic ways. Deal?

Justice League is currently playing in theatres. We’ll leave you to decide if it’s best to catch the movie or to simply turn those stan cards in.

Saturday, November 18, 2017 – 21:00


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