AutismSTEP says therapist who manhandled boy with special needs in viral video has been sacked



A video of a boy with autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) being manhandled by his therapist in a home therapy session has caused an uproar among netizens demanding justice for the child.

Facebook user Safirah Oshin posted videos of her son, Ali, being manhandled by his home applied behaviour analysis (ABA) therapist in an incident that happened in March, 2019.

She said the therapist was given a “verbal warning with no further action” and that the case was reopened in January this year.

She appealed for netizens to be her son’s voice and to help ‘”fight for his rights”.

In the clips taken from a 40-minute-long video, the therapist is seen handling Ali roughly as the boy screams and cries.

Clips from Safirah’s post have been circulating on Instagram, with one post garnering over 10,000 views.


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