At least 2 more Telegram groups circulating pictures of local women surface; police investigating



Cut off one head, two more shall take its place.

Despite efforts to crack down on Telegram groups dedicated to sharing lewd material involving Singaporean women, more continue to emerge.

Recently, at least two more groups in a similar vein have surfaced. 

The chat groups — one with over 6,000 subscribers and the other with more than 4,000 — consist of members sharing images of various Asian women, though not all are Singaporean. The pictures appear to be images grabbed and shared without consent from the women’s social media accounts. 
PHOTO: Telegram / ScreengrabOne of the groups even had rules on what can be posted and what can’t — including a prohibition against nudes. 
PHOTO: Twitter / ScreengrabSince awareness of the Telegram chatgroups heightened on Reddit and Twitter, netizens have taken it upon themselves to shut them down. 


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