At ground zero: First-line defenders at TTSH-NCID's Covid-19 screening centre



On the first day of Chinese New Year in January, Dr Ang Hou cooked, as he usually did, for his extended family who came to visit.

But his mind was not on the claypot rice he was making – his attention distracted by the constant WhatsApp messages coming through on his phone.

“I’d usually cook more, and make sio bak,” he says, referring to Chinese roast pork. “But I was in no mood; in fact, I was a bit antisocial that day,” says the head of the emergency department (ED) at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH).

And understandably so, because he knew he had a big battle on his hands, with a coronavirus causing a disease which the world now knows as Covid-19. The enemy had, at that time, already pummelled Wuhan, bringing the Chinese city to its knees, and was starting to assault other parts of China and the rest of the world.


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