askST: How are water bills calculated?


SINGAPORE – From July, water prices in Singapore will increase by 30 per cent in two phases.

This was announced by Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat in Budget 2017.

The first hike will be from July 1 this year (2016), and the second from July 1 next year.

In this episode of askST, journalist Lin Yangchen explains how water bills are calculated.

Charges are based on how much water you use in a month.

Following the first hike, if you use 40 cubic metres of water or less, the charge is $2.10 per cubic metre. If you go beyond 40 cubic metres, the charge goes up to $2.61 per cubic metre.

A person uses an average of 0.15 cubic metres or 150 litres a day, according to the Public Utilities Board (PUB).

This article was first published on Feb 28, 2017.
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Tuesday, February 28, 2017 – 17:09
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