'Asia's sexiest DJ' Angie Vu complains about lack of mirrors and fancy dresses in jail


She misses her Versace dresses, Louboutin heels, nail polish and Guerlain skin moisturiser.

“Asia’s sexiest DJ” Angie Vu Ha said she misses these things as she serves time in a New York jail.

Yes, what’s unrealistic about that wishlist? Nothing.

It reads like a standard wishlist of any prisoner, right? Not.

Vu, who was based in Singapore three years ago, is currently in prison for attempting to kidnap her daughter, Isabella, 9, from her the girl’s biological father, Richard Froger, who has custody of the child. 

The arrest itself was dramatic: Vu was arrested at New York’s Kennedy Airport on Nov 3 last year, just as she was boarding a flight to Vietnam with Isabella.

In an interview with New York Daily News, Vu, who has filed a lawsuit “seeking to block extradition on the ground that a judge in Paris improperly granted custody of her daughter” to Froger, added that her former lover had lied to the court, saying that she was a porn star.

Oh, but it gets better – if that’s even possible.

Vu, who is Vietnamese, talked about her stint in Metropolitan Detention Center and described her routine, which includes exercising and “reading the Bible to keep lesbian inmates at bay”.

Say, what?

There are apparently no full-length mirrors in prison – something which bothers Vu because it’s “cruel” that she hasn’t looked at herself since she was put in jail.

She added that she has gained new fans in prison and that she was there to protect Isabella, stating that she is “still rocking and rolling”.


Publication Date: 
Thursday, April 28, 2016 – 16:36
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