As OneService reports against safe distancing offenders increase, some frontliners get assaulted



Snitching saves lives these days, we suppose, and the powers that be are more than happy that Singaporeans are playing their part in tattling on others who aren’t following the rules. 

In the days since the circuit breaker measures kicked in (only last week, but it feels like an eternity ago), not everyone is complying with the governmental directives. We need to flatten the curve, and yet, folks are still refusing to practise safe distancing and stay at home as much as possible during the global pandemic. 

Contrary to popular belief, the authorities don’t have eyes everywhere. As such, they’ve turned to crowdsourced surveillance with a new feature in government-developed municipal services app OneService that allows anyone to report on people violating safe distancing rules

As it turns out, folks do love snitching. According to Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Grace Fu, there have been 700 of such reports within two days of launching the feature. 


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