Alleged victim in molestation case says SMU student tried to kiss her repeatedly



SINGAPORE – A woman who accused a Singapore Management University (SMU) student of molesting her on campus said she had pushed him away and dodged his attempts to kiss her earlier.

When he allegedly groped her, she pried his fingers off. But she did not leave because there was no transport that early in the morning and she did not want to make things awkward between them, as they had mutual friends.

The SMU student, Lee Yan Ru, now 24, is facing one molestation charge.

In the early hours of Jan 8 last year, he is said to have stimulated himself while he was on top of the woman, who was asleep.

The woman, who was 21 then, took the stand after lunch on Monday (Sept 7), on the first day of Lee’s trial.

She testified that she got to know him around December 2018 when he messaged her on Instagram.

“I was very casual because we have mutual friends. He contacted me first,” she told District Judge Sharmila Sripathy.

The woman, who studies in another university, cannot be named due to a gag order.


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