Aliff Aziz resists arrest, puts up violent struggle after drunken argument at Orchard Road



Controversy seems to follow actor-singer Mohamad Aliff Aziz around like a plague.

The 28-year-old Singaporean faced theft charges earlier in September this year, and also made headlines over his divorce from singer Bella Astillah and purported romantic scandals.

Now, Aliff seems to have run afoul of the law again.

Several Stompers alerted Stomp to videos circulating online, in which he is seen resisting arrest along Orchard Road on Sunday morning (Nov 10).

In one of the videos, Aliff, whose face is clearly seen, can be heard shouting on the phone as police officers attempt to subdue him.

He appears to be calling his father for help and struggling as the officers pin him down and try to handcuff him.

More police officers are then seen arriving at the scene in patrol cars.


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