Ahead of Saudi king arrival, Dr M says ‘visitor’ should explain ‘donation’


It may have been intentional or otherwise, but Mahathir’s talk of donations strikes a chord.

Ahead of Saudi king arrival, Dr M says ‘visitor’ should explain ‘donation’

It may have been intentional or otherwise, but Mahathir’s talk of donations strikes a chord.



  1. If at first Najibko tell Malaysians, the amount are accumulated from the previous gov’t Acc. nobody believed. After the court case and investigations that saved our Premier.But somebody kept on pressing and insisted to find scapegoat,which we called Karma “Where there is an actions there is a reactions!” Those who stole footings of a building after the building crumble all will be reviewed clearly.

  2. Hijaz Kamal, if Malaysians find out his base of cheatings he will be finish,I think you will also ignore him. Our country been stirred like muddy water then catches the fishes nobody see whose hands are catching.

  3. https://youtu.be/3nlfcXBmM4E explain why attack Yemen? Explain why funding Terrorist, explain why discriminate women, explain why kill apostasy, explain why torture his own daughter with drugs, explain why he keep buying destructive weapon, explain why Saudi Arabia is the most polluted country in the world, explain why spending billions in military but Saudi people still live in poverty? Explain why Non-muslim is not allow to enter Arab while prophet Mohammed himself used to host Christian in his house? explain why his 2nd wife flee from him…..

  4. Malaysians are not so stupid as to believe ppl even your own father will not gave you US$2.6millions let said donation? These are figure of speech our Premier tried to lust the devil out by his own will who is still trying to find scapegoats.

  5. So Nibby ‘S god father is in town. I hope that the reporters who have access should ask about the donation probably at the risk of being excluded from the following news conference as did the US president.

  6. Welcome to Malaysia HRM Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Abdulaziz Al Saud.

    We wish to thank HRM Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Abdulaziz Al Saud for the generous donation given to Malaysia prime minister YAB Najib Razak.

    Malaysian hope HRM will donate more generously to our needy in years to come.

  7. No need explanation. Everything you need to know on this donation can be found from all the news from WSJ, US DOJ and Sarawak Report. If these news are fake, then Jibby should have sued these news portal long time ago.

  8. The donations of RM2.6b wasn’t giving by the King Salman nor from any royal Arabian family. Singapure govt confirmed the RM2.6b donation was given by Jho Low who impersonated as Eric Tan. If isn’t true Najib can sue Singapure govt. Instead he kept silent ^ it’s better this way.

  9. Thank you Sir for the “donation”. However it seems that only one lucky person or rather two had benefited from your “donations” , certainly not the rest of us, Malaysians. My advice Sir, next time do it in a grand scale, tell the whole world instead esp media such as Wall Street Journal..in that case they won’t write anymore nonsense on our beloved PM..

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