Yesterday evening, he gave his youngest sister away to the man of her dreams.
Mr Ahmad Ghazali, 34, the brother of the bride, 26-year-old local actress Nadiah M Din, had to perform what is traditionally the duty of the bride’s father.
There was no doubt that their late father was on everyone’s mind.
The atmosphere was solemn as the groom called for guests to recite a prayer in memory of the bride’s father.
“I would like for everyone to think about someone who is not here physically, but means a lot to many of us in the room – a talented man, a role model for almost every person here – Nadiah’s late father,” he said.
A teary-eyed Nadiah could barely compose herself as she addressed the guests.
“To all my beloved siblings, I will never forget your constant protection, your constant love and your constant motivation,” she said.
BLISS: Nadiah and Mr Bilal sharing their first kiss as a married couple. (Photo: The New Paper)
About 200 guests – friends, family members and the media – were invited to witness the solemnisation ceremony between Nadiah and Mr Bilal Jeanpierre, 30.
The event was live-streamed on YouTube for the couple’s other family members and friends around the world.
A guest signing the guest book that Nadiah designed herself. (Photo: The New Paper)
Mr Bilal, a French national who has been living here for seven years, converted to Islam last October.
Nadiah first met the client engagement manager at a dinner party, and was immediately smitten with him.
Nadiah’s mother, Madam Hamidah Jalil, told The New Paper: “When I first met him, I thought he was a nice man from his actions. He was very humble, and very grounded.”
The 61-year-old added: “We all think he is an extremely intelligent and respectful man, and I am very happy that he is being added into our family.”
Nadiah’s older sister, Miss Hartini Mohammad, 29, admitted that she initially disapproved of Mr Bilal.
But she warmed to Mr Bilal after meeting him.
“He was genuine from the start. He was nice and humble, and I could see that (Nadiah) was happy with him,” she said.
Miss Hartini, who is not married, joked that she allowed Nadiah to get married before her only after making her promise that her marriage to Mr Bilal would last eternally.
“I told her, if anything happens in the future, just remember this day, and how happy you were,” Miss Hartini said.
Actresses Lydia and Munah holding up seashells with wishes written on them for the couple. (Photo: The New Paper)
Fellow actress Munah Bagharib, who was one of Nadiah’s bridesmaids, said Nadiah was the opposite of a bridezilla.
Munah told TNP: “She is the kind of person who does not want to impose on you.”
Another bridesmaid, actress Lydia Izzati, said: “I think that is why I got so emotional during the solemnisation. Munah and I just gave each other a look, telling each other not to cry. We are truly happy for her.”
The couple will be going for their honeymoon in the Maldives in February.
They will also be going to Thailand with Mr Bilal’s family after their wedding reception in December.
And what plans do they have for kids?
“Of course we want to enjoy married life, and we want to do the things we always wanted to do,” Mr Bilal said.
“We love kids, so we’re just going with the flow.”
This article was first published on August 15, 2016.
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