Abused maid escaped by climbing down from 15th-storey balcony



SINGAPORE – A woman repeatedly abused her family’s domestic helper between January and April 2018 by acts such as slapping the woman’s face and pulling her hair.

Unable to tolerate any more abuse from Nuur Audadi Yusoff, the Indonesian maid, Ms Sulis Setyowati, 24, climbed out of the 15th-storey flat’s balcony and made her way down to the ground floor of the block in Yishun.

At the time of the offences, Nuur was a Singtel employee deployed to support a Ministry of Manpower (MOM) contact centre.

The 31-year-old Singaporean pleaded guilty on Monday (Sept 28) to six counts of assault. Nine other charges, mainly for similar offences, will be considered during sentencing.

Ms Sulis came to Singapore in mid-2017 and worked for another household. She began working for Nuur on Dec 1, 2017, and was paid $580 a month.

Sometime after midnight the following month, Nuur was awakened by her daughter’s cries and found that Ms Sulis had forgotten to apply ointment on the child’s stomach.

Enraged, Nuur spat at the maid and slapped her face twice. The abuse continued in February 2018 by acts such as dragging the maid by her hair.


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