About 500,000 eligible seniors will receive letters on Merdeka Generation Package by end-April


SINGAPORE: About 500,000 Singaporean seniors will receive letters informing them of their eligibility for the Merdeka Generation Package by the end of April, said the Ministry of Finance (MOF) on Monday (Apr 1). 

Citizens may also check their eligibility online on the Merdeka Generation website. Merdeka Generation seniors will receive their welcome folder and card from late June, MOF added. 

The package applies to those born from Jan 1, 1950 to Dec 31, 1959 and became Singapore citizens by Dec 31, 1996. It will also be extended to Singapore citizens who were born on Dec 31, 1949 or earlier, became Singapore citizens by Dec 31, 1996 and did not receive the Pioneer Generation Package.

“As announced at Budget 2019, the Merdeka Generation Package aims to encourage our seniors to stay active and healthy, and provide greater assurance with healthcare costs in their silver years,” MOF said.

Merdeka Generation Package MOF

(Source: Ministry of Finance)

READ: Merdeka Generation Package – What you need to know

READ: Merdeka Generation Package can afford to go further to help our poor elderly, a commentary


No action is needed at this time for eligible seniors to receive their benefits.

According to MOF’s implementation timeline, seniors can look forward to receiving their benefits from July, starting with a one-off S$100 PAssion Silver card top-up that has to be redeemed by Dec 31, 2020. The credits do not expire. 

From July 2019 until 2023, seniors will enjoy an annual S$200 MediSave top-up, automatically credited to their account. 

Subsidies for MediShield Life premiums will also be effective for policies renewed from Jul 1.

From November, eligible seniors can present their Merdeka Generation cards at Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) general practitioner and dental clinics, polyclinics and public specialist outpatient clinics to receive additional outpatient care subsidies.  

Those who join CareShield Life will also get an extra S$1,500 participation incentive when the scheme opens for applications from 2021 to 2023.

Those who join the scheme during this period may receive a total of S$4,000 in participation incentives. This sum will be spread out over 10 years and used to offset their annual CareShield Life premiums.

READ: Six things you should know about CareShield Life, the enhanced ElderShield scheme

READ: Budget 2019: Building a ‘strong, united Singapore’; Merdeka Generation Package, healthcare take spotlight


Singapore citizens born on or earlier than 1959, who missed the citizenship criterion and have good claims to be counted among the Merdeka Generation, can submit an appeal for the package, said MOF. 

Appeals will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The mandate of the existing Pioneer Generation Appeals Panel will be expanded to consider appeals for the Merdeka Generation Package and will be renamed the Pioneer Generation and Merdeka Generation Appeals Panel. 

The panel will not consider appeals from those who miss out on the age criterion.

Appeals may be sent to contactus@merdeka.gov.sg.

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