Abang Johari tells SUPP to woo S’wak Chinese ahead of GE14


He says failing to do so means SUPP has failed in uniting the Chinese community.

Abang Johari tells SUPP to woo S’wak Chinese ahead of GE14

He says failing to do so means SUPP has failed in uniting the Chinese community.



  1. To win over Chinese votes, you must go down to the ground n listen to their grouses. Chinese r v intelligent n generally v well informed. No use listening to SUPP or UPP members only as their version might not be the correct picture altogether. Talk to non politicians on what the Chinese want.

  2. Sarawak chinese r not dumb jojo, we know to differentiate a thief from a priest! U on the other hand, have given unwavering & unconditional support to maintain a thief in power, that makes you one, no less, sleep on it!

  3. He has reversed what Tok Nan put on freeze. 1. Timber licence can be issue base on tendering. 2. Approved intake of west malaysian teachers to sarawak. , while terminating our own teachers..

  4. Same tune as Dumbo’s. Get the rights to manage the production of your oilfields first!!! Kick out the rapist or your forests!!! Protect your indegineous people from all exploitations and false promises made by cheats!!!

  5. Stop logging completely.
    Protect our forest and jungles.
    Protect our indigenous people, Penans. Kenyah, Kayans, Lunbawang, Kelabits,etc.
    Take back our oil royalty.
    Improve communication throughout the country.
    Build more bridges and roads in the rural and coastal areas.
    Make sure your cabinet is crocodiles free.
    We are supposed to be a rich country but very backward.
    We have been sucked dry by Putra Jaya.
    Its long overdue to review our status.
    Remember, Sarawak is a country.
    We have been very stupid for decades.

    These is my advice to Abg Jo.
    No more than that.
    You don’t need SUPP to unite the Chinese.
    The Chinese are now very United without SUPP.
    Chinese are smart, they knows who to vote.
    Money cannot buy Chinese votes.
    Chinese will never hesitate to received your money. But that money will never change their votes.

  6. SUPP is dead because they follow CM and take care their own interest. Look at your states revenue, plenty but so poor amongt all other states. What hapoening and how this govt giving much to Federal govt. Bully sarawakian also keep quiet

  7. I don’t know and i can’t speak on behalf of Msian Chinese in Sarawak

    BUT over here … 90% of Msian Chinese has decided who they support coming GE14 lah. They will support with 100% wisdom lah.

  8. Supp can make woo woo uselessness because as has been said they are selfish dinosaurs of carnivore types. The people are better of opposing not supporting beneficial and long term good solid ideas than just because only of skin colors.

  9. To me, those chinese who continue to insist on chinese leaders to take care of ‘chinese’ rights do so to protect their own usually ‘business’ interests.
    Wasn’t it a chinese, in fact Deng Xiao Ping himself who was reported to have said “It doesn’t matter whether a cat is white or black, as long as it catches the mice”?
    Defending chinese education and such should be defending the right to freedom of choice, not chinese rights. If the chinese as the more ‘advanced’ race relative to their economic well-being still need to insist on protecting ethnic interest, when do we begin to morph to become truly Malaysian or Sarawakians? This ‘divide-and-rule’ by race politics is the very essence of what makes BN viable and sustainable for the past 5 decades. And this is why our new CM is continuing the same strategy, asking its chinese-based component, SUPP to go for chinese votes.
    Thus if the chinese will cast aside their inherent kiasuism, and summon up their inborn pragmatism, refuse to be ensnared by this devious political strategy of the ruling administration but focus on defending the freedom of choice, of assembly and of religion of all Malaysians, wouldn’t that then defeat and break-down the forces of the divide-and-rule mechanism and earn them the respect and support of the other communities to work together towards sustaining those universal ‘Malaysian’ rights?
    To my mind, the best analogy for the chinese to subscribe to would be rooting for the NEP to help all in need irregardless of race? Thus, a minister of any race is fine if he is capable, responsible, just and subscribes to being accountable to all Malaysians?

  10. Abang Johari – the majority of Chinese have abandoned SUPP long ago. SUPP is infected with corruption, self-interest and no longer protects the Chinese’s interest in Sarawak. Demanding SUPP to perform miracle is a hopeless expectation.

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