A Singaporean family's tips for encouraging a love for Mandarin in children



In recent years, many Singaporean families have become all too familiar with the struggle to speak Mandarin, despite it being one of our country’s national languages. 

According to the Speak Mandarin Campaign – a government initiative to encourage Singaporeans to speak Mandarin –  71 per cent of Chinese households speak English as their main language at home, leaving only minority speaking mandarin. 

In order to tackle this issue and increase focus on bilingualism, the Speak Mandarin Campaign conducted a nationwide Family Talent Competition earlier in June, where parents and children were able to bond and have fun with their children, all while learning and speaking Mandarin!

The winner of this year’s competition the Chua family who comes from a predominantly English-speaking family took up the challenge this year to script, speak and perform a short skit in Mandarin. 

We caught up with Mr. Chua Chye Poh to find out how he, his wife and his youngest daughter Mona prepared for the competition and how parents can encourage their kids to speak Mandarin. 

Q: In what language do you normally use to converse at home?


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