A landlord's guide to evicting a problematic tenant in Singapore



When can I evict a tenant?

Eviction is often the most straight-forward option that provides the most certainty to landlords for the removal of errant tenants, thus preventing future breaches of tenancy.

There are a number of scenarios in which you (the landlord) may want to evict a tenant (i.e remove a tenant from your property/land).

However, the only scenario in which you can legally do so is when the tenant has breached their tenancy agreement.

The kinds of breaches which may most reasonably give rise to a need to evict include:

Failure to pay rent or consistently paying rent late;
Causing damage to property; and
Conducting illegal activity which creates legal liability for a landlord, e.g. subletting to illegal immigrants.
If your tenant has committed one of the above breaches and you are looking to evict them, read on to learn how you can do so in Singapore.

The eviction process

To evict a tenant in Singapore, follow these steps:


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