930,000 HDB households to receive GST Voucher rebate this month



SINGAPORE – About 930,000 Singaporean households living in Housing Board flats will receive a GST (goods and services tax) Voucher to offset part of their utility bills this month.

These households will enjoy a Utilities-Save (U-Save) rebate of up to $100, depending on the type of their HDB flat, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) said in a statement on Thursday (Jan 2).

Those living in one- and two-room HDB flats will get $100, while those in three-room flats will get $90.

Families living in four-room flats will receive $80. Those in five-room flats will get $70 and residents of executive or multi-generation flats will get $60.

Households whose members own more than one property are not eligible for the GST Voucher.

Eligible households will continue to receive U-Save rebates regardless of their electricity provider, the ministry said.

According to the MOF, the U-Save rebate has enabled households in one- and two-room HDB flats to receive support equivalent to three to four months of their utility bills, on average, in a year.


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