9 new Nominated Members of Parliament officially appointed by President Halimah


SINGAPORE: The newest batch of Nominated Members of Parliament (NMPs) were officially appointed on Wednesday (Sep 26) by President Halimah Yacob.

During the ceremony at the Istana, Mdm Halimah presented instruments of appointment to the nine NMPs, who are all new to the role.

Among the nine are Paralympian Yip Pin Xiu, general-secretary of the Singapore Port Workers Union Arasu Duraisamy, as well as executive chairman of Sakae Holdings Douglas Foo.

yip pin xiu with halimah yacob

Ms Yip Pin Xiu receiving her instrument of appointment. (Photo: Jeremy Long)

douglas foo with halimah yacob

Executive chairman of Sakae Holdings Douglas Foo receiving his instrument of appointment. (Photo: Jeremy Long)

The new NMPs will take their oath at the next Parliament sitting.

The Office of the Clerk of Parliament said it had received 48 proposals by the close of NMP submissions on Jul 6.

The names of those who qualified for appointment were then submitted to the eight-member Special Select Committee of Parliament for consideration.

The committee then submitted its list of nine nominees to the President.

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