9 Covid-19 cases in Blk 111 Tampines St 11, residents of 58 households and their visitors offered testing



SINGAPORE – Testing has been offered to residents of 58 households living in the same section of Block 111 Tampines Street 11 as nine confirmed Covid-19 cases.

Speaking at a virtual press conference on Thursday (July 2), Health Minister Gan Kim Yong, who co-chairs the multi-ministry task force tackling the spread of the virus here, said that the Health Ministry detected a Covid-19 case living in the block on June 23.

The 66-year-old Singaporean man had worked at The Leo Dormitory and was picked up during the ministry’s proactive screening of dormitories. Six of his household members subsequently tested positive for Covid-19, forming a cluster.  

On June 27, another two Covid-19 cases, one of whom is a 15-year-old Singaporean female, emerged in the same block, but on a different floor. They reported that they had not interacted with the previous cluster.

“This immediately caught the attention of our contact tracers, and our antennas were up. They decided to investigate further,” said Mr Gan.


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