880,000 HDB households to receive GST Voucher-U-Save Rebate in April


SINGAPORE — About 880,000 eligible Singaporean HDB households will be receiving the next instalment of the GST Voucher — Utilities-Save (U-Save) rebate in April, said the Ministry of Finance in a statement on Monday (April 3).

Depending on the HDB flat type, households can expect to get rebates ranging from S$45 for executive/multi-generation flats to S65 for those who live in one- or two-room flats.

Annually, those living in 1- and 2-room HDB flats are able to offset about 3 to 4 months of their utilities bills on average, while those living in 3- and 4-room HDB flats can offset about one to two months of utilities bills, said the MOF.

The GST Voucher — U-Save rebate is one of three components under the permanent GST Voucher scheme. The U-Save rebate helps HDB households offset part of their utilities bills, and serves to lower overall household expenses. It is distributed every quarter and expected to cost S$190 million annually.

In addition, from July 2017 onwards, there will be a permanent increase of S$40 to S$120, dependent on the type of HDB flat, to the annual GST Voucher — U-Save rebate. Announced at Budget 2017, the increase is to help households offset some of the water price increase.

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