86-year-old Singaporean woman dies of Covid-19, 657 new cases confirmed



[UPDATED: 11pm]

The Ministry of Health has reported 657 new coronavirus cases in Singapore today (May 3).

Out of these, there are 13 cases in the community, 18 cases involving work permit holders residing outside dormitories, and 626 cases of work permit holders residing in dormitories.

10 are Singaporeans and Permanent Residents, while three are on work passes. Six new clusters have been identified as well. 

There has been another death today, MOH confirmed.

Case 14,774, an 86-year-old female Singaporean citizen, died today from complications due to Covid-19. She was diagnosed with Covid-19 on April 27 and had pre-existing medical conditions including diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidaemia.

Khoo Teck Puat Hospital has reached out to her family and is extending assistance to them.

Separately, MOH mentioned that Case 17,410 — a 47-year-old Bangladeshi man who died on Friday (May 1) — was confirmed to have died from ischaemic heart disease. 


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