6 things you didn't know about tea in Singapore



Teh is a serious culture in Singapore with deep roots in history, no matter what ethnic background you come from.

For instance, did you know that teh tarik originated from the time of Indian-Muslim immigrants who set up drinks stands for the workers at rubber plantations around the Malay Peninsula after World War II?

The Indians substituted their spiced chai for a tea that had heavier milk, hence creating teh tarik.

To celebrate Internationl Tea Day today (May 21), here are some other things you might now know about tea in Singapore:

1. What makes teh tarik so special?

Our unique spin on the Indian style of heavily sweetened milky black tea is teh tarik, which literally translates to ‘pulled tea’.

Tea dust and condensed milk are mixed together in a long cotton tea filter and then repeatedly poured from one iron beaker to another.

This theatrical ‘pulling’ mixes the tea and gives it a foamy, frothy appearance.

In fact, it’s worth hopping over the border to watch Malaysia’s annual pouring competitions where teh artisans juggle tea through the air without spilling a drop.


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