5 weak links in Singapore's Covid-19 battle



SINGAPORE – While the number of new coronavirus cases daily has hit new highs in Singapore, with 728 announced on Thursday (April 16), the number of new cases in the community has decreased from an average of 38 cases per day in the week before to an average of 37 cases a day in the last week.

There were 48 new cases in the community on Thursday, the Health Ministry said.

However, just as the case numbers in dormitories have exposed a weak link that could push Singapore’s Covid-19 situation into a critical state, other weak links remain, and these could seed a large cluster unless everyone is vigilant, experts have cautioned.

Here are the five weak links that Singapore faces in its fight against the pandemic.


The high density of people living in proximity and sharing living and sleeping spaces mean that infections can spread very quickly as seen in the big spike in infections in the dorms

• 19 out of 43 purpose-built dorms are known clusters, with more than 2,000 cases


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