SINGAPORE – Another 47 employers have been placed on the Fair Consideration Framework (FCF) watch list for potentially discriminatory hiring practices.
They will have their Employment Pass (EP) applications closely scrutinised, and those who are recalcitrant or uncooperative will have their work pass privileges cut back.
The 47 are on top of 1,200 employers previously put on the watch list, said the Manpower Ministry (MOM) in a statement on Wednesday (Aug 5).
Of the 47, 30 are in the financial services and professional services sectors, and the rest are in administrative and support services, manufacturing and education.
They comprise both large and small companies, with the largest employing almost 2,000 professionals, managers, executives and technicians (PMETs).
Among them are banks and fund managers, as well as management consulting firms and firms providing project management and engineering services.
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