SINGAPORE – Unity was at the heart of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s National Day message today (Aug 8).
Recorded at Safra Punggol and broadcast on television at 6.45pm, the Prime Minister reminded Singaporeans how “rare and precious” social harmony was in the face of terror threats and growing uncertainty.
These threats have divided society and caused instability in many other countries, PM said, but added that the result for Singapore can be different.
If you missed the speech, here are four highlights below:
1) Will Singapore fall apart if terrorists attack?
Refering to ISIS perpetrated attacks around the world and region, PM Lee said that Singapore was also being targeted. Last weekend, it was reported that a group from Batam had planned to attack Singapore’s Marina Bay with rockets, but their plans were uncovered and foiled before they could take action.
“If a terrorist attack were to occur here, will we stand together, or will we fall apart?” the PM asked.
Trust among those in the nation’s multi-religious society is key, he says.
Not only are Muslim Singaporeans not afraid to condemn terrorist attacks, non-Muslim Singaporeans can also distinguish clearly between their peaceful Muslim fellow citizens and jihadist terrorists.
2) Battling uncertain economy
Acknowledging the worries of the working population here, PM Lee said that industries are being forced to innovate or perish. Addressing such pressures, he asked: “Can we continue to progress together, and share widely the fruits of growth? Will our children have a brighter future?”
The Government is investing in every Singaporean through various means, including expanding and upgrading preschools, and encouraging skills upgrading via the SkillsFuture scheme.
On the business front, firms are encouraged to improve and innovate through R&D, so that new jobs can be created in a changing world economy.
Socially, safety nets have been strengthened through the Pioneer Generation Package, Workfare, MediShield Life, CPF Life and Silver Support.
“We will ensure that our schemes are sustainable, because our children must not be burdened with debt,” he said.
3) Maintaining political stability
While Singapore is now known for having a good and stable government, PM Lee said society is changing, and warned that its unity will come under new strains.
To ensure good government, Singapore’s political system has been updated and kept constructive, he said, citing the involvement of citizens in problem-solving and building a future economy; the creation of more SMCs; as well as improvements being considered for the elected Presidency.
4) Unity the most important factor
Although Singaporeans today share common spaces, and celebrate one another’s festivals, such peace was not prevalent 51 years ago.
“Never forget how rare and precious this harmony is, how much courage and toil went into creating it, and how much effort it takes to sustain this miracle. What we have here is remarkable, especially considering the state of the world today,” he said.
The Prime Minister said in his speech that the “most fundamental factor in keeping Singapore exceptional is not good plans or adequate resources; it is whether we remain united”.
Unity, he added, was “more than a warm, fuzzy feeling. It’s the iron resolve to hold together, despite the challenges, despite the sacrifices we have to make”.
The determination to be a united people drove Singapore’s stability over the past 51 years, and it should continue to persevere in the next 50 years, he said.