FOUR Bangladeshi workers detained last month under the Internal Security Act (ISA) were found guilty yesterday of financing terrorism.
The four are Rahman Mizanur, 31; Miah Rubel, 26; Md Jabath Kysar Haje Norul Islam Sowdagar, 31; and Sohel Hawlader Ismail Hawlader, 29. All pleaded guilty in court yesterday.
They were charged on Friday with providing or collecting money to fund terrorist acts in Bangladesh.
The four were part of a group of six charged under the Terrorism (Suppression of Financing) Act. The other two – Zzaman Daulat, 34 and Mamun Leakot Ali, 29 – have denied the charges. A pre-trial conference for them will be held on June 9.
Court documents show that they were led by Rahman, with Mamun as the deputy leader. Miah was in the group’s financial council, while Jabath handled the group’s media.
Zzaman and Sohel were in the group’s security and fighter councils respectively.
The six were among eight men arrested between late March and early last month. Working in the marine and construction industries, they called themselves the Islamic State in Bangladesh (ISB). They were planning attacks back home in hopes of toppling the government, with the aim of forming an Islamic state in Bangladesh.
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