36 arrested in one-month blitz on public entertainment outlets


SINGAPORE: The police said on Wednesday (May 9) that 36 individuals were arrested during a one-month blitz on public entertainment outlets by multiple security agencies.

The 36 men and women, aged between 21 and 31, were arrested for offences under the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act, Misuse of Drugs Act, Societies Act and Liquor Control Act, the police said in a news release.

In all, 427 individuals, aged between 21 and 65, were checked during the joint operations by the Central Police Division, Criminal Investigation Department and Central Narcotics Bureau.

Enforcement operation 2

Eighteen public entertainment outlets were found to have contravened licensing conditions. (Photo: Singapore Police Force)

The police also said that 18 public entertainment outlets were found to have contravened licencing conditions, and that actions will be taken against the licensees.

Investigations are ongoing.

“The police take a serious view of anyone who commits violent crimes or public nuisance in the vicinity of public entertainment outlets and will continue to take tough enforcement actions against such activities,” they said.

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