Densus 88 arrested three alleged terrorists in separate places in Central Java on Monday and Tuesday.
Central Java Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Djarod Padakova said the three were arrested in Grobogan, Sragen and Karanganyar.
He failed to explain their roles in terrorism and instead urged reporters to wait for a press statement from the police.
Densus 88, the National Police’s counterterrorism squad, arrested Sugiyono, 37, in Godong, Grobogan regency on Monday night, Djarod said, adding that Sugiyono once rented a house in Gemolong in Sragen regency where a blast occurred on Dec. 11 last year.
On Tuesday morning, the police arrested Sugiyanto, 33, in Gemolong, and later search his house in Gondangrejo village in Karanganyar regency.
Sugiyanto’s wife protested the police’s lack of a search warrant.
The third arrest was of Jumali, 38, at his workshop in Godegan village, Sragen regency, on Tuesday.
“He was arrested at around 8 a.m. It happened so fast. A car suddenly arrived and armed police swiftly arrested Pak Jumali, “said Siti, 35, a local resident.
Karanganyar Police deputy chief Comr. Prawoko said the search of Sugiyanto’s house was done according to standard operating procedures (SOP).
The police also asked a number of community leaders to accompany them as witnesses during the search, he said.