28 employers fined for not taking safe distancing measures for workers in lorries


SINGAPORE: Twenty-eight employers have been fined S$1,000 and another four are under investigation for not complying with safe distancing measures while ferrying workers in lorries.

Those found guilty of flouting the law face a fine of up to S$10,000, up to six months in jail, or both, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) said on Friday (Apr 17).

With immediate effect, transport companies and drivers will also be fined if they do not comply with safe distancing regulations when ferrying workers in lorries, the ministry said.

The errant employers were caught during a joint enforcement operation conducted with the Land Transport Authority (LTA) and the traffic police.

READ: Two weeks and a 70-fold increase: A look into the COVID-19 outbreak in Singapore’s foreign worker dormitories

The ministry said more companies have implemented the required measures in their transport arrangements since Monday.

“We would like to urge the remaining employers to make the necessary rectifications to comply immediately. The islandwide joint enforcement operation will be sustained throughout the circuit breaker period.”

MOM and LTA previously issued an advisory on safe distancing measures for workers ferried by lorries.

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MOM LTA workers lorries safe distancing

The advisory said employers must ensure occupants are seated at least 1m apart, as well as clearly mark sitting locations and arrange for additional trips or lorries if necessary.

Employers must also ensure the workers wear masks at all times and communicate these safe distancing measures to all workers and drivers.

Singapore on Thursday reported a record 728 new cases of COVID-19, with 654 cases from foreign worker dormitories and 26 who are work permit holders residing outside dormitories.

Breakdown of COVID-19 cases in Singapore including dorm clusters

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