2,400 Singapore Airlines staff affected by job cuts amid Covid-19 fallout



SINGAPORE – The Singapore Airlines (SIA) group is cutting jobs amid the Covid-19 fallout.

Staff were told during a virtual townhall on Thursday (Sept 10).

The airline said in a statement: “The Singapore Airlines (SIA) Group today announced the difficult decision to cut around 4,300 positions across its airlines. After taking into account a recruitment freeze, natural attrition, and the take up of voluntary departure schemes, the potential number of staff impacted will be reduced to about 2,400 in Singapore and in overseas stations.

“This decision was taken in light of the long road to recovery for the global airline industry due to the debilitating impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the urgent need for the Group s airlines to adapt to an uncertain future.”

The layoffs had been widely anticipated, and come as international travel continues to be paralysed with governments enforcing strict border controls to contain the pandemic.


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