23 passengers and 2 staff injured after SMRT train collides with stationary train at Joo Koon MRT Station


An SMRT train collided with a stationary train at Joo Koon MRT Station during the morning peak hours on Wednesday (Nov 15).

Stomp contributor Ganeshan, who usually alights at Joo Koon station to transit to a train travelling to Tuas Link, told Stomp in a phone interview that he had witnessed the incident.

He said: “I alighted at Joo Koon station at around 7.45am. Not all the trains go to Tuas Link, so usually I will have to switch between trains.

“After I alighted, another train crashed into the back of the train which I was on.

“There was a loud bang, and some commuters even screamed. I was shocked.

“I saw the second train coming in from a distance, but I thought it was going to slow down.”

SMRT train collides with stationary train near Joo Koon MRT station; injuries reported

Ganeshan went closer to take a look and quickly took some photos which he sent to Stomp, before going off to work at 9.05am.

Facebook user Az Dwie also posted a video on the incident.

on Facebook

Train accident at Joo Koon.. all passenger walking to front cabin

Posted by Az Dwie on Tuesday, 14 November 2017

In his accompanying caption, Dwie wrote:

“Train accident at Joo Koon.. all passenger walking to front cabin.”

According to a Facebook post by the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) at 10.45am, 23 passengers were injured during the incident and were conveyed to hospitals.

on Facebook

[Incident near Joo Koon MRT Station]

At 8.33 am, SCDF was alerted to an incident near Joo Koon MRT station. SCDF…

Posted by Singapore Civil Defence Force on Tuesday, 14 November 2017

A tweet from rail operator SMRT at around 10am read:

“[EWL] UPDATE: Please add 15 mins train travel time between #JurongEast and #TuasLink. Free regular bus services are still available between #JurongEast and #TuasLink.”

on Twitter


A joint statement by SMRT and the Land Transport Authority (LTA) was issued on LTA’s Facebook page.

It read:

“This morning at 8.18am, a train heading in the direction of Tuas Link Station stalled at Joo Koon Station.

“At 8.19am, a second train stopped behind the first faulty train. At 8.20am, the second train moved forward unexpectedly, and came into contact with the first train.

“23 passengers and 2 SMRT staff sustained light to moderate injuries, and have been conveyed to Ng Teng Fong Hospital and National University Hospital.

“SMRT and LTA are investigating the incident.”

on Facebook

[LTA – SMRT Joint Statement]

This morning at 8.18am, a train heading in the direction of Tuas Link Station stalled at…

Posted by Land Transport Authority – We Keep Your World Moving on Tuesday, 14 November 2017


Wednesday, November 15, 2017 – 11:51

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Accidents SMRT LTA (Land Transport Authority)



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