20 days' jail for ex-baggage handler who swopped the tags of 286 pieces of luggage



SINGAPORE – More than 200 pieces of luggage belonging to passengers of Singapore Airlines (SIA) and SilkAir ended up at the wrong destinations after an airport baggage handler swopped the tags because he was unhappy with his duties.

On Monday (Nov 11), 66-year-old Tay Boon Keh was sentenced to 20 days’ jail for mischief. Under the Penal Code, it is an offence to cause wrongful loss or damage to another person’s property.

In what is believed to be the first case of its kind, Tay pleaded guilty in October last year to 20 counts of mischief. Another 266 similar charges were considered during sentencing.

As a result of Tay swopping the tags of 286 pieces of luggage, the two carriers had to pay compensation totalling more than $42,000 to 221 affected passengers.

At the time of the offences – between November 2016 and February 2017 – Tay was employed by industrial equipment supplier Lian Cheng Contracting, a subcontractor of Changi Airport Group (CAG). He is no longer working at the airport.


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